I think that my boots seriously flew off when I first heard her voice... I know I am probably behind and these girls must be so 2010, but I'll still be listening to them in 2012 when they come out with their new CD, The Lion's Roar. If you are more behind than I am, they are a sisterly duo coming to us out of Swenden. Johanna and Klara.
Orginally I was browsing for some nice Fleet Foxes listening... but to my surprise I tripped over this perfect cover of Fleet Foxes' Tiger Mountain Peasant Song.
They're kind of like female versions of Simon and Garfunkle... except they're both probably taller than Paul Simon. How cute that the little girl loves it so much she pays homage with her pink umbrella!
ah, i love first aid kit! my big sister had them playing in the car when we were driving and i've been hooked ever since. P.S.: http://lisamariawilliams.blogspot.com/2011/11/and-award-goes-to.html. Unfortunately, there are no stipulations or threats of death or testimonials of what happens if you do/do not participate in this forward. Always my favorite part, too.